If you haven’t purchased the new iPhone 4s yet, chances are you want it. If you already own one, you’re surely aware that the battery drains pretty quickly. Here are a few tips to get the most out of your battery.
1) First, shut down your apps often. Most of us never shut our apps down when we are done using them. Just because we get out of them does not mean they are shut down. All you have to do is double click the home button, and then hold down the app for the “X” to appear. Click the X to shut down the app.
2) Lower your screen brightness.Just go to Settings > Brightness> adjust. This will significantly lower the amount of battery that your device will use.
3) The 4s, with all its new features, tends to waste the battery.
Blocking GPS tracking in apps such as Facebook, CNN, Instagram, etc. This feature makes your phone work overtime, and unless everyone needs to know where you are, you should turn the GPS off.
4) Use Free WiFi whenever you can because WIFI uses less battery than 3G. This will also keep your data usage down.
5) Another issue many have been complaining about is that the location services system in iOS 5 contributes greatly to the battery draining.
To stop this go to Settings > Location Services > System Services; from there, just turn off “Setting Time Zone”
All of these tips should help keep your battery going all day long. Let us know if they do!