Get in Touch:

Facebook Beginner

This workshop is recommended for businesses who have not yet began to grow their presence on facebook, or who are in the beginning process of doing so.
While you may already have a personal profile on facebook and a firm handle on how facebook works this workshop is still appropriate if you have not been using facebook for business purposes.

If you want the answers to the following questions this is the seminar for you:

*How do I get started?

*What kind of page do I need?

*What is the Step by Step plan for setting up a page & inviting others to like my page?

*How do I obtain a facebook url?

*How do I successfully interact with my fans?

*How do I upload pictures and videos?

*How can I convert website visitors to facebook fans?

Join us for a 2-hour comprehensive seminar with a take home CD to guide you step-by-step through getting your business started on facebook. If you do not yet have a business page on facebook…


$149.00 Limited Space Available. Must Pre-register.