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The Oprah Generation

Today marks the last day of The Oprah Winfrey Show. This hour time slot has reigned over the late afternoon airwaves for the past 25 years. What could have ended up falling into the same category as “just another trashy talk show”, has instead evolved into a generation defining landmark. Oprah has managed to turn her daily show into a philanthropic, entertaining, educational, and news worthy corporate juggernaut.

Insurmountable lives have been majorly impacted by her efforts throughout the years. Her story continues to inspire teens and the elderly alike, and she has never been afraid to inch her way into the personal lives of celebrities and public figures. There is a message behind everything she does, even if it involves handing everyone in her audience a new car.

Oprah has managed to personally connect with viewers around the world, and has a proven time and again how vulnerable she is on a daily basis. She makes it seem as if she is emotionally available, and ready to tackle any issue head on.

While today may mark the end of a television show, it is not the demise of her captivating presence and work.   The name Oprah will continue to be passed around at the dinner table, in business meetings, and on the red carpet. Her impact is nowhere near its end.

Social Tie In

Oprah managed to create this persona and influence before the world had even muttered the word “Facebook”. She did exactly what everyone is now trying to accomplish within social media before these tools were available. Why do we use social? We use it to create a voice, to spread a message, make a difference, to appear personable and in the present.  Its clear Oprah has been way ahead of the curve for over two decades now. Kudos girlfriend.