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Friday Five – Don’t be caught guilty of Social Harassment

We’ve all experienced it; the excitement that results from seeing red notification signs on our Home page. Whether it is a new notification, message, or friend request, there is a sense of anticipation as the mouse moves toward that red signal.

Sometimes excitement dies right at initial contact. Why? Because the inbox is full of messages from club promoters, egging fans on to “COME IN TONIGHT FOR A FREE DRINK!” And yes, they are almost always written in all caps. Or maybe it is a new restaurant downtown, annoyingly self-promoting right on your wall. It’s obnoxious and as your finger reaches for the “Unlike” button, there goes another potential customer.   
Listen up small businesses and entertainers – this is how to avoid being convicted as a Social Harasser.

Friendship Page

Rule Number 1: DO NOT create a personal friendship page. This just opens you up to all kinds of marketing trouble. Direct messaging, Groups, Chat, Photo tagging…. Personal things that nobody wants a part of when following a business. Create a Business Page, first and foremost, then most of the features we are about to explore will be avoided.


Before you jump on Facebook to write another long message yelling at fans to come in and see all the great deals tonight, why not consider an alternative. How about simply making it your status and include a picture or link. This way it will appear on fan’s news feeds, catch their eye and entices them to come in that day or night. You will avoid looking like a desperate and pushy business.

Self-promoting on personal walls

Ever had a business post some garbage intended to remind you they exist on your wall? It may be one of the worst tactics a business can use. Actually it isn’t even a tactic, just a really bad idea.

Tagging photos

Easter is Sunday and in an attempt to wish all your fans a Happy Easter, uploading an adorable picture of a fuzzy bunny and tagging everyone seems like the best way to send out this salutation. Wrong. Instead, post it as your status for the day.  Fans will get the message and be thankful for not receiving 20 different notifications.


Creating groups is a useful tool for intimate interactions with an intention.  Not as a way to market yourself. With no opt-in option available it’s difficult for fans to figure out a way to exit a group they want no part of. It’s frustrating and uninviting.